Zope Weekly News 1999/08/04
This week saw the launch of Bruce Perens's Technocrat.net. This is one of the highest profile Zope sites to date. Butch Landingin's Squishdot product for Zope is a big part of what makes the site tick. Way to go Bruce and Butch!
Another major thread on the Zope lists this week was e-commerce. Scott Robertson released a credit card processing product for Zope, and there was a lot of discussion about existing Zope e-commerce packages and where to go from here.
Finally, activity continues at a fairly intense rate in CVS as preparations for beta two are made. And thanks to David Ascher, you can now easily download snapshots of the Zope development tree.
- Bruce Perens's new technology policy site, Technocrat.net made a big splash this week. Bruce Perens is a major open source figure, and his new site runs on Zope using the Squishdot product.
http://technocrat.net/ http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=99/07/27/205246&mode=thread http://technocrat.net/932767939/
- Zope showed up on Slashdot again in an Ask Slashdot article.
http://slashdot.org/askslashdot/99/07/31/0323235.shtml http://www.zope.org/pipermail/zope/1999-August/007580.html
- Scott Robertson announced a Cyber Cash Connector for Zope. This allows you to conduct credit card transactions. A long discussion of e-commerce and Zope followed on the zope-dev list.
- Chris Petrilli announced a Database Adapter status page.
http://www.zope.org/Download/DAStatus http://www.zope.org/pipermail/zope/1999-July/007432.html
- Paul Everitt posted a note showing the growth of interest in Zope as evidenced by the number of hits on Zope.org and the number of subscribers to the Zope mailing lists.
- Chris Petrilli announced the availability of slides used in a Zope training.
http://www.zope.org/pipermail/zope/1999-July/007431.html http://www.digicool.com/Solutions/Training/Material/
- Chris Petrilli posted a Database adapter roadmap.
http://www.zope.org/pipermail/zope-dev/1999-July/001013.html http://www.zope.org/Information/DARoadmap
- Paul Everitt posted an announcement about Zope/Python activities at the upcoming O'Reilly Open Source Software Convention.
http://www.zope.org/Information/OReillyConferenceInfo http://www.zope.org/pipermail/zope/1999-August/007581.html
- Michel Pelletier announced ZSybaseDA 1.0.1, a Database Adapter for Sybase.
http://www.zope.org/pipermail/zope/1999-August/007637.html http://www.zope.org/Download/ZSybaseDA/
- Steve Spicklemire announced Zieve, Z-subclassable class that assists in sorting ZClasses in various ways.
- Brian Lloyd responded to a question about Pluggable Brains with an informative post illuminating this powerful and under-documented feature.
- Python guru David Ascher set up a nightly CVS snapshot archive for a couple major Python projects including Zope. This allows you to get access to the latest sources from CVS without using CVS.
Keep on Zopin!